- Name of building
- Shiga Prefectural Sub Gymnasium
- Construction year
- 1979
- Structural system
- Space trusses
- Primary use
- Gymnasium
- Architect
- Architect2
- Structural engineer
- Constructor
- Professional
- Country
- Address
- Nionohama 4-2-12, Otsu-shi, Shiga
- Means of transportation
- 2.5km east from Otsu Station on JR Tokaido-Biwako Line. bus from the station to Otsu Prince Hotel. get off at Kenritsu-taiikukan. in front. every 30-60 min
- Admission
- Outside : OK Inside :OKeveryday 08:30-21:30. closed on Monday.
- Reference
- Note
- 〒520-0801. TEL:077-524-0221/fax:077-522-9637.www1.biwakosportsnow.or.jp.user/taikukan/