- Name of building
- Esbly Bridge
- Construction year
- 1948
- Structural system
- Bridge, RC
- Primary use
- Road Bridge
- Architect
- Architect2
- Structural engineer
- Eugène Freyssinet
- Constructor
- Campénon-Bernard
- Professional
- Country
- Address
- Marne, Av de la Liberation, Esbly
- Means of transportation
- walking 1.5km from Gare Esbly. bus from Gare Esbly to Trilbardou.
- Admission
- Reference
- 『現代の構造設計』エドワルド・トロハ著。木村俊彦訳。彰国社 1960年発行。54頁。図5,4.
Philosophy of Structures, Eduardo Torronja, English-Language Version by J. J. Polovka and Milos Polivka, University of California Press, 195x. p. 5,4. Fig, 5,4.
『ヨーロッパのインフラストラクチャー』伊藤学編。土木学会刊。丸善発売 1997。129頁
『塔と橋』構造芸術の誕生。D, P, ビリントン著。伊藤学+杉山和雄=監訳。
The tower and the Bridge, David Billington, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 1983, p. 203-204.
The Book of Bridges, Martin Hayden, Marshakl Cavendish Publocatiom Ltd London, 1976, p.140. - Note
- Freyssinet's one of five prestressed concrete bridges, span s 74m, completed in 1947-1951.
photo taken on June 22, 2000. ⑨-70.