- Name of building
- Pont Albert Louppe
- Construction year
- 1930
- Structural system
- Bridge, RC
- Primary use
- Pedestrian Bridge
- Architect
- Architect2
- Structural engineer
- Eugéne Freyssinet
- Constructor
- Professional
- Country
- Address
- between Brest/Plougastel-Daoulas
- Means of transportation
- 7.5km from Brest Station. bus #25 from Liberte to Plougastel, get off at Ty Armor or Le Passage. Bus #25 across River Elron.
- Admission
- Reference
- The Book of Bridges Kartin Hayden, Marshakl Cavendish Publocatiom Ltd London, 1976, p. 139.
『塔と橋』構造芸術の誕生。D, P, ビリントン著。伊藤学+杉山和雄=監訳。
The Tower and the Bridge, David Billington, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 1983, p.203, Fig, 11, 2. - Note
- span: 187m ×3連。
Now, used as pedestrian bridge. 現在歩道橋.
photo taken on September 22, 1996. ⑤-83.