- Name of building
- John M.Huntsman Cebter
- Construction year
- 1969
- Structural system
- Timber Structure
- Primary use
- Architect
- Young & Fowler Asso, Salt Lake
- Architect2
- Structural engineer
- Constructor
- Jacobsen Construction Co, Inc
- Professional
- Timber Construction
- Country
- Address
- South Campus Dr, University of Utah, Utah.
- Means of transportation
- 5km east from city center. LRT from Main St. get off Univ S.Campus.
- Admission
- outside:OK. inside:OK
- Reference
- ①IASS Bulletin No.97, p.33.
②a plaque displayed in the Center - Note
- span:105m
photo taken on November 24,2003.⑪-161