- Name of building
- Leverkusen Brücke[Carriageway pedestrian bridge]
- Construction year
- 1964
- Structural system
- Bridge, cable
- Primary use
- Carriageway pedestrian bridge
- Architect
- Architect2
- Structural engineer
- Constructor
- Professional
- Country
- Address
- Autobahn A1 and E37, Leverkusen
- Means of transportation
- walking 2.5km from S-Bahn Leverkusen Mitte. bus #208 from the Station.
- Admission
- Reference
- ①Triumph der Spannweiten, Hans Wittfoht, Beton-Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf, 1972.p.91.Fig.99B4.
②Cable-Stayed Bridges, M.S.Troitsky, Crosby Lockwood Staples, Londom. 1977.p.65-66.Fig.2.24. - Note
- spam:280m. length:492m
photo taken on June 17,1998.⑦-28