- Name of building
- Gross Markt Halle Frankfurt
- Construction year
- 1927
- Structural system
- Shell
- Primary use
- Architect
- Martin Elsässer
- Architect2
- Structural engineer
- Dischinger/Finsterwa/D&W
- Constructor
- Professional
- Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG
- Country
- Address
- Sonnenmann-st/Windeck-st, Frankft
- Means of transportation
- Walking 3km. tram #11 from Frankfurt Haupt-Bahnhof to Fechenheim.
- Admission
- outside:OK. inside:OK
- Reference
- ①『現代建築の構造と表現』クルト・ジーゲル著。川口衛、花井正美、片岡正喜 共訳。まえがき STRUKTURFORMEN の邦訳によせて・坪井善勝。彰国社 1968年発行。192頁.fig.124.1+218頁.fig.146.3。STRUKTURFORMEN der Nodernen Archtektur. Curt Sigel, Verlag D.W.Callway-München, 1960, p.192.fig.124.1+p.218.fig.146.3.
②Schalenbau, Jürgen Joedicke and Others, Karl Krämer Verlag, Stuttgart, 1962, p14.
③IASS-1985 International Congress for Theory and Experimental Investigation of Spatial Structures Application of shells in Engineering Structures Vol-1,Moscow.September 1985,p106.fig.11. - Note
- building area:11000m². number of cylindrical shell:15
pedestrian can enter to inside the fences thru a revolving door.
photo taken on October 2,1995+June 19,1998.⑦-41