- Name of building
- Jahr-Hundert Halle Hoechst
- Construction year
- 1963
- Structural system
- Shell
- Primary use
- Architect
- W.Kraeme
- Architect2
- Structural engineer
- H.Beck
- Constructor
- Professional
- Country
- Address
- Silo-str/Paffenwiese, Frankfurt
- Means of transportation
- #50 from S-Bahn West-Bahnhoff to Zeilsheim.
- Admission
- Outside: OK Inside: ??
Inside=visible through window glass. - Reference
- ①Raumlich Dachtragwerk Konstruktion und Ausfürbrung Band-1, Hermann, Röhle, Eberhard Kühn, Karlheintz Weuβbach, Dietrich Zeudler, VEB Verlag for Bauwesen, Berlin, 1969.p.142+144. fig.2.5.12.
②information from a brochur of Frankfut city guide. - Note
- span:86m. height:25m. radius:50m.
photo taken on October 2,1995.⑦-38